I very much enjoy my professional work built around event facilitation, writing and speaking in the area of global finance, business and geopolitics. This particular focus is down to having been hooked up to a Bloomberg terminal for more than 10 years as anchor for its European tv output.

But every now and then the business journalist takes time out to feed other areas of her portfolio career. Sometimes that means teaching a shamanic seminar or mentoring a client. Sometimes that means going back to work in front of the camera for the Big Screen or a classic model shoot. As a result I often receive hilarious messages from surprised friends and contacts who just happened to watch a random movie on the plane or walk into a newsagent in South Africa.

This week a friend in a German PR agency ran into me on the Getty database. And what is rather wonderful: whoever chose the tags for the images had no idea who the woman in the shot is or what she does in life – to them I was just a random model. So they tagged me according to what they saw and perceived: “contentment”, “self confidence”, “blonde”, “over 40”, “financial industry” …. and most importantly “red”.

Works for me! 🙂
