by Judith Bogner (first published 12 March 2015)
The Ethiopian Education Foundation is my favourite example for sustainable investment that has become such a buzz word in financial markets. Eef helps gifted children in Ethiopia to get access to high quality education, so they can develop their talents and reach university.
Each year eef selects around 20 students for its scholarship programme and provides them with 4 years (aged 14 -18) of excellent secondary schooling at the School of Tomorrow in Addis Ababa , one of Ethiopia’s leading secondary schools.
I personally saw eef being born in the heart of my friends Achim and Glen and witnessed how they took it forward with love, compassion, determination, great business sense and total integrity. They cover their own costs and all admin. Every penny given by the sponsors serves the children and their needs. And sponsors are not just a source of funds. Under the stewardship of eef, they are invited to keep regular email contact with their students, adding a personal dimension to the financial support. Over the years, eef has developed into a strong, positive and nourishing support structure that rewards everybody involved with way more than just money.
I joined eef as sponsor in 2004 and exchanged regular emails with my student, a lovely girl called Rakeb. When she signed up for the eef program, she said she wanted to become a doctor “to help her people”. From our correspondence I knew she meant every single word. I had no doubt she would reach her goal. It was a great delight to witness her thriving from year to year and working diligently for every exam. Inspired by her determination, I chose to extend my support through her university years.
In 2014, by now a formidable young woman, she made her wish come true. I’m incredibly fond and proud of Dr. Rakeb Mulutega and know she is a blessing to those in need (see photos). Rakeb’s story is one of many inspiring rewarding examples.
To read more about Rakeb and her fellow alumni, please go here:
If you wish to support eef – and I warmly recommend you do – please get in touch with the eef team.